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Phonics for Reading
12 Weeks
Course Objectives
Phonics for Reading is structured into three levels, each progressively targeting specific course objectives to enhance reading skills, offering a challenging and motivating learning journey.
Level A Course Objectives:
Read words containing short vowels.
Recognize and use double consonants.
Blend consonants effectively.
Pronounce consonant digraphs accurately.
Level B Course Objectives:
Read words with vowel teams (ee, oa, igh).
Read and understand CVCE (consonant vowel consonant e) words.
Understand and use r-controlled vowels.
Identify and apply various word endings.
Level C Course Objectives:
Read words with vowel teams (au, oy, oo).
Recognize minor sounds for 'c' and 'g'.
Distinguish minor sounds for 'ow,' 'oo,' and 'ea'.
Understand and apply prefixes and suffixes effectively.
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